Wireless Wire nRAY, pair of preconfigured nRAYG-60ad for 60Ghz lin...
9,566.08 ₺
Wireless Wire Cube Pro - Set CubeG-5ac60aypair RouterOS L4 license
10,444.01 ₺
Wireless Wire Cube, pair of preconfigured CubeG-5ac60ad for 60GHz ...
8,621.56 ₺
IGNITENET MetroLinq™ PTP-19cm - 60Ghz Entegre Antenli + 2x RPSMA 5...
23,788.85 ₺
IGNITENET MetroLinq™ PTP-35cm - 60Ghz Entegre Antenli , 2x RPSMA ...
25,196.69 ₺
IGNITENET MetroLinq™ 2.5Gb PTP-19cm - 60Ghz Entegre Antenli , 2xR...
25,205.71 ₺